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室內裝修設計工程 Home / interior design decorations 清除油漆Clear Paint 批灰Pihui 批盪Plastering 油漆Paint 乳膠漆Latex 牆紙wallpaper磁磚Tile 雲石Marble舖貼地板Putie floor 舖地磚地台Floor tile 舖瓦Tiling 磚牆Brick 泥水工程師父Mud engineering 中工 大工 地台瓦 floor tiles 天花批盪 ceiling plaster/ceiling lining牆身批盪 wall plaster 牆身油漆 painting to wall 天花油漆 painitng to ceiling窗台雲石安裝 laying marble window board 門腳石安裝 laying threshold stone strip 木櫃設計Wooden cabinet design 傢品設計Home goods design 訂造Custom made 定制Customizable 傢俬 傢具Furniture 廚具Kitchenware 鋁窗窗框及玻璃安裝 Installation of aluminium window frame including glazing 趟門鋁窗窗框及玻璃安裝 Installation of sliding aluminium sash frame including glazing 木門框及木門安裝 Fixing timber door frame and door 小五金安裝 installation of hardwares/ironmongery 門鎖 door lock 門較 door hinge 電子鎖 electronic lock 門鼓 door closer 防盜眼 magic eye 門鐘 door bell/door chime 浴室分隔板 bathroom (glass) partition 鏡櫃安裝 Installation of mirror cabinet/mirror box/medicine cabinet 潔具 sanitary appliances 鏡走水銀 murcury backing faded out from mirror 洗手盆 wash basin 坐廁 pedestal type w.c. pan 龍頭 tap/mixer/faucet 花灑 shower set/shower head/shower hose 天花燈 ceiling lamp/ceiling light 抽氣扇 exhaust fan 基仔瓦 tiling to curb 電燈及地線安裝 installation of electric light and wirings 露台欄河及玻璃安裝 Installation of balustrade to balcony including glass fixing 露台掛飾 Decorative fixtures to balcony 廚櫃安裝 installation of kitchen cabinets 窗台瓦 tiling to window sill 牆身瓦 wall tiling 假天花安裝 Fixing false ceiling